
A new invitation to collaborate


Dear Partners in Ministry,

'Just this last week, Reverend Suzanne Watson asked that I carry on the wonderful work that she and Charles Arn have been doing with the "Where Two Or Three Are Gathered" initiative. I am honored to accept this patnership with Suzanne Watson and Charles Arn and eager to hear how we might continue to support you in your local ministries.

Over the next two weeks, I will be calling each of you -- to catch up on where you are in the process of starting a new service. Some of you have already called to introduce yourselves and tell me about the successes you're celebrating, as well as some of the challenges you need help on. I'm looking forward to our conversations!

My e-mail is tbrackett@episcopalchurch.org and my direct line is 646.203.6266. If you feel like calling or e-mailing before I get to you with a phone call, please feel free!

The Reverend Thomas L. Brackett
Program Officer, Church Planting and Redevelopment
Episcopal Church Center
815 Second Ave
New York, NY 10017
Office line (direct) 646.203.6266
E-Mail tbrackett@episcopalchurch.org

The Evangelism and Congregational Life Center serves the people of the Episcopal Church as they seek to restore the wholeness of God's creation by connecting them to creative and innovative resources needed to transform congregational life.

El Centro de Evangelismo y Vida Congregacional sirve a la gente de la Iglesia Episcopal en la tarea de restaurar la integridad de la creacion de Dios y los conecta con recursos creativos e innovativos que pueden transformar la vida de las congregaciones.

This site is for those interested in creating alternative style Christian worship services or gatherings to reach people whose spiritual needs are not currently being met. It is for those 30 congregations that are part of a pilot for small Episcopal congregations, those congregations that were not able to be part of the pilot at this time, and any other congregations seeking new ways to be "church" in our changing world.